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Clear Bee
– Clean Windows, through
the Power of Technology

Need some help around the house?

Our drone can be of service.

We Ship Worldwide. So,


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What Is Your Least
Favorite Chore Around The House?

Most people, when you ask them this question, never even think about cleaning their windows. That is because window cleaning is such a stressful and arduous task that until the glass becomes outrageously dirty, we try to ignore the mess. We pretend that it is not there and hope that no one else notices it either.

All Of That
Changes Now

At Flying4Home, we have conducted extensive research into the field of drone technology, all with you and your home in mind. We know how important window cleanliness would be for you, if only it were a little simpler and a little more within your reach.
Clear Bee, engineered to clean your windows both inside and outside, is going to change the way that you think about your windows – empowering you take charge of the look and mood, from your front room to your front lawn. Featuring patent pending technology (for the navigation
and cleaning mechanisms), it is the world’s first drone designed specifically for this purpose.
We were not content to be the first, though. In addition to creating this pioneering tool, we have integrated all of the features necessary for the utmost precision and convenience.

Clear Bee – Window Cleaning for the Future

No Streaks!

Because the drone is moving through the air, and not along the window, it is not going to leave any marks along the glass. While other robots would leave streaks on your windows, our groundbreaking drone will not. Clear Bee gets you a more perfect clean than you may have thought possible before.

 No Scratches

Clear Bee works gently, avoiding any incidental scratches that sand or dirt would cause during cleaning and removal. You can use our drone comfortably and confidently on even your most expensive window panes, knowing that we have taken care not to develop anything that works roughly or haphazardly.

Minimal Water Usage!

Aware of our impact on the planet, we have found a crucial method for minimizing the water that Clear Bee is using. The microfiber cloth, emitting only a small amount of water, is more sustainable than even manual cleaning. As a bonus, the light mist dries rapidly, eliminating the appearance of residue more quickly than other methods would.

Special Fly-Dropping Remover!

It’s true: fly droppings will
end up on your windows, and when they do, they are even more difficult than sand and dirt to remove. 
Rest assured that we have thought of that as well, selecting nylon fibers  to remove fly droppings via a patented process.

Easy to Use!

To get started the first time you use Clear Bee, all you need to do is pre-clean your window once. Then, you never need to do so again. Clear Bee will handle the rest through regular usage. The pre-cleaning simply ensures that Clear bee can do its job effectively, and once you read our straightforward instructions, you will feel like a true drone master as you use Clear Bee.
Any Window,
Spotless in Just Minutes

Cleaner Windows, within Your Reach
No stretching and no climbing! Clear Bee handles everything for you, getting itself into position and doing all the spraying for you

These Are Three
Steps You Need To Follow
Spray the drone's cleaning device
Using pure water, detergent,
or any cleaning agent of your
Position the Device
After positioning the drone by the window, turn it on. Then
allow it to hover gently out of
your hand.
Collect the Drone
It will cling safely via gecko
tape, waiting for you to come
get it.
It Takes The Drone Only Two Minutes To Clean An Entire Patio Door.

And when you do, you should see the outside, not smudges and streaks on your windows. Clear Bee can help there!

We Ship Worldwide. So,

Don’t Wait!
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